Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3063 Painting: Out of Town Assignments

Norris 3063
Alla Prima Extravaganza

2.2 = Another in-class alla prima study. We will again start out with an ultramarine blue line drawing. However, rather than try to finish in class, this time we will make a full palette underpainting wash. You will use opaque and transparent colors as you choose, but this time you will dilute all of your paints with liquin in order to keep this initial stage thin, washy, and preliminary. Then, you will come back for a second session and add an undiluted, thicker layer in a second session. This painting will span two sessions: Wednesday (16th) and Friday (18th).

2.3 = Four small single object studies. You will have the weekend and class on Monday to work on these four small paintings.
1. the thinnest successful painting you can possibly make (dilute in liquin)
2. the thickest successful painting you can possibly make (pure oil paint)
3. a successful palette knife painting
4. a painting of a very challenging object

I will be back in town next Wednesday (23rd) and we will have a look at 2.2 & 2.3. We will also talk about finalizing Folio 2.
Folio 2 so far:
2.1 Single session alla prima still-life
2.2 Another in-class alla prima study (described above)
2.3 Four small single object studies