Attn all Norris classes:
As you all know, we will not be meeting this week: T/TH, Feb. 7/9. Here is a recap of outside assignments for all classes. All are due on Tuesday, Feb 14:
Drawing 3:
1) master studies in Gordon: pg 55 - front torso (choose one), pg 65 - back. Label both!
2) 6-8 Undercover Gestures (remember, all sketchbook drawings are in graphite)
39-70, Gordon
Painting 1:
Folio assignment 1.4:
2 direct still life paintings (3-5 objects)
Adv Painting:
Progress on Project 1. Crit on Thursday, Feb 16.
Progress on collaborative work. Trade on Thrursday, Feb 16.
Reading: Fig, artists 3-5
Good Luck!