Tuesday, November 27, 2007

LSU 1011: Final Project due next Thurs

Next Thurs is the last day of class. We will have a final critique in which we discuss the final project. Be prepared to talk about your work in terms of form and specifically color.

Good Luck!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

UL VIAR 111: Sketchbook Assignment

Here is an image of a Mondrian Chrysanthemum drawing. This one is slightly different from the version in the book. You can choose either to make a master study from. After that, fill two more pages with hatched/cross-contour studies of plants, branches, or flowers. Due the Monday after Thanksgiving. Have fun!

UL VIAR 111: Folio due Wednesday, Nov. 21

3.1 Drapery Study
3.2 Umbrella Study
3.3 Complex Still Life
3.4 Skull Transposition

Remember, if you are traveling on Wednesday, then you need to turn the portfolio in on Monday.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

LSU 1011: Project 3 due Tuesday

Just a reminder that Project 3 is due next Tuesday. We will be having a critique so be prepared to talk about your project in terms of color, tell us a little about your source artist, and be prepared to discuss the process of adapting some of their visual language to create your own image.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

UL VIAR 111: Umbrella Study due next Monday

Your full value umbrella studies are due next Monday. Take some time to resolve this drawing fully and make it as well-crafted as the drapery studies. Here's a Gustave Caillebotte painting.

Have Fun, J