Tuesday, August 21, 2007

UL VIAR 111 SYLLABUS, Fall 2007

Fall 2007 – 3 Credit Hours
Section 1 : MWF 8am - 9:50am, Annex 101
Section 2 : MWF 10am - 11:50am, Annex 101
Section 4 : MW 1:30pm - 4:15pm, Annex 108
Instructor: John Norris
E-mail: jharlannorris@gmail.com Phone: 482-6056
Blog: norrisartclass.blogspot.com

COURSE OBJECTIVE: The goal of Drawing 1 is to provide students with an introduction to the basic tools of drawing and to initiate them into an understanding of how to begin looking, thinking, and talking about art in an informed way. The course will concentrate on various elements of observational drawing including investigations into line, value, shape, space, composition, materials, etc.

REQUIREMENTS: Drawing skills will be developed through technical exercises in class and homework assignments employing these techniques. The homework will allow students an opportunity to use their acquired skills creatively and to build off of the techniques they have learned in class. This is a STUDIO CLASS, and therefore requires that students be actively involved in drawing exercises and contribute during critiques. Thus, students must be present and punctual to receive full participation.

ATTENDANCE & CLASS PARTICIPATION: More than 3 unexcused absences will cause your grade to fall. More than 5 unexcused absences will cause you to receive a failing grade. Excused absences must be in the form of documentation from the source of the absence. Tardiness, leaving early, taking excessive breaks will also cause your grade to fall. Class Participation also affects you grade, and this means coming to class prepared, being actively engaged, and working throughout class on your assignment to come up with the best possible outcome. NO CELL PHONE ACTIVITY WHATSOEVER DURING CLASS.

GRADING: Grading will be based on assignments (which will be submitted in portfolio form), your sketchbook, and class participation. The portfolios will make up 50% of your grade, and your sketchbook and class participation will each make up 25%.

A: 90 - 100% B: 80 - 90% C: 79 - 80% D: 60 - 69% F: 0 - 59%

Portfolio and sketchbook grades will be based on the following elements: 1) Indications that the student has understood the assignment and is employing its specific techniques. 2) a sense of quality showing that the students has invested a significant amount of time and focus into the assignment. 3) The overall success of the final image based on formal elements (composition, line quality, sense of light & volume, etc.) as well as creativity. TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS LATE AUTOMATICALLY REDUCES YOUR GRADE. IF YOU ARE CONFUSED ABOUT GRADING, FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS.

COURSE OUTLINE: We will be investigating several concepts including line, value, shape space, composition, etc. In doing so, we will follow a pattern through which students will gain understanding of concepts, learn to put them to practice, and ultimately combine them to create successful drawings:

1. We will discuss a new concept, do readings, and do several exercises based
on this idea.
2. We will do a series of more extended drawings connected to the concept.
3. We will do a series of sketchbook drawings to further investigate.
4. We will work on an extended drawing inside/outside class that may take up
to 2/3 weeks to complete.
5. We will critique the work and its relation to the concept as a class.


STUDIO HOURS & RULES: Students will have to devote studio time outside of the normal class hours. The ROTC drawing lab’s open studio hours are determined by scheduled classes. Please be aware of your personal safety when using the studios away from class; try not to work alone. Due to health and safety concerns, SMOKING IS PORHIBITED IN BOTH OF THE ROTC STUDIO AREAS. You will be sharing the studio with other students and faculty. Be courteous and pick up after yourselves and return all studio materials to their appropriate location. Pagers, cell phones, and any other portable communication devices are to be turned off. If you want to listen to music, use headphones and use them only after any instruction has finished.

BOOK / BLOG: Students are required to purchase the following text:

Drawing Space, Form, and Expression, 3rd Edition, Enstice/Peters

We will do regular readings from the book, and students will be expected to have the text with them at all times during class. Handouts will also occasionally be made available. However, students will usually receive additional info, image examples, assignment specifications, and portfolio details via the following blog:


You will be expected to check this regularly as part of your class participation.

MATERIALS: Students will be required to purchase the following materials. Materials can be found at University Book Store in the Student Union on Campus, Hartiens at 3214 Johnston St, Michael’s on Johnston St, Hobby Lobby at Johnston St:

-9x12 Sketchbook (preferably Strathmore)
-18x24 pad of Strathmore Drawing Paper
-18x24 pad of Newsprint
-drawing board with clips: a 25 x 28 piece of masonite will work
-vine (soft) charcoal
-sandpaper for charcoal sharpening
-compressed charcoal
-shammy cloth
-gray kneaded eraser and white Factis-type eraser
-graphite pencils: 2H, HB, 2B, 4B
-pencil sharpener
-small box to contain materials


ACADEMIC HONESTY: See USL Undergraduate Bulletin, p. 427

COLLEGE EXHIBITION POLICY: The college exhibition policy is on file in the VIAR office, room 310 Fletcher.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE: A map of this floor near the elevator marking the evacuation route and the Designated Rescue Area. This is an area where the emergency service personnel will go first to look for individuals who need assistance in exiting the building. Students who may need assistance should identify themselves to the teaching faculty.