Thursday, April 19, 2007

1011 & 1847: Final Project Attendance!

1011 & 1847 Classes:

As you know, we are currently in the midst of working on our final class projects, which we will be focusing on for the remainder of the semester. It is important to remember that while we are working independently on individually designed projects, it remains critical that you show up to every class and be consistently productive. I am still taking daily attendance and your participation grade hinges on you being present and focused. More importantly, in order to create a successful project it is imperative that you work continually, go through all of the necessary processes, and build a steady momentum towards making a resolved, well-crafted piece. It is natural to sometimes get a slow start when coming up with your own final project, but some of you are getting behind and are in danger of causing your project to suffer. So if you feel you are falling into this catogory, please catch up! If not, feel free to disregard this post and return to obsessing over your project.

Good Luck!